Monday, December 29, 2008

Reflections on BLBE 1st edition

This challenge didn't go exactly as I had expected. I really had hoped to loose about 20 lbs. I ended up loosing 9.8. I have to continually remind myself that this is a good thing. It may not be where I wanted to be, but it is still nearly 10 lbs I will never again see on my body.

I continued to report each and every week, even when my results were discouraging. I felt like I reported a gain more than I reported a loss but in reality I was 8 out of 14 for losses. Seeing as I lost about 50% of what I wanted, that makes sense.

I had hubby take some "end of challenge" pics of me. My original ones are here. There are definitely some changes in my body.
It is quite obvious that I still have a long way to go. And that is what BLBE #2 is going to help me do!!!!!
Good Luck to all my fellow BLBE challengers, last edition and next!


  1. I can see the difference! Way to go on losing 10lbs!!!!

    I'm hoping to do the BLBE next time.

    Happy Weight Loss,

    Linda ;)

    Follow me on my journey at:

  2. awesome work losing the 10lbs - you're right - you CAN see the difference - that is really, really great!!


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